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The Wa-Klo Website Makeover

BY Camp Wa-klo

February 2, 2015

Wa-Klo has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to having a website that parents, kids, and alums all love! Through our website, we have found wonderful families that have decided to join the Wa-Klo family. To usher in our 78th summer, we decided to go for a “new look” … a makeover of sorts.

Coco Chanel said, “You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.” Wa-Klo was gorgeous at thirty and still is at seventy-eight; charming at forty and still is at seventy-eight, and everyone knows that the Wa-Klo spirit is irresistible forever more. The “look” is one thing, for beauty is only “skin deep.” The heart of Wa-Klo is unchangeable, for the people that come to Wa-Klo year after year, keep that irresistible, irrepressible, iridescent spirit glowing. What makes Wa-Klo beautiful is all the smiles that enter its gates summer after summer.

Enjoy the new face of Wa-Klo and join us this summer to keep the true beauty shining!
