Cabin Life
Each of our cabins houses about 8 campers and at least two counselors. Our younger campers have more counselors as they need a little extra guidance and tender loving care. Our cabins have electricity, running water, and toilets. Most of our younger camper cabins have showers in them as well!

Wa-Klo campers live out of trunks and are given cubby space to help them settle in and feel like they are their home away from home!

For our campers, their cabin mates are their immediate family that help make up our large Wa-Klo family. When campers are young, we mix up the cabins every year so that the girls get to know everyone else in their age group. One of the most important jobs in the spring is making cabin placements. One of the benefits of Tammy, our director, meeting every new camper either in person or via video chat is that she gets to know the girls prior to their arrival. We place girls of the same age together based on many aspects to ensure that every single camper has the best experience possible. We use this same philosophy as we place counselors with each cabin.
Throughout the day, our girls spend time with their cabin mates helping clean the cabin and trying to win inspection each week so that they can earn the coveted ice cream prize! During rest hour, girls play card games, making friendship bracelets, and other fun activities. For meal times, Wa-Klo mixes the different bunks from each age group. Girls will sit with other girls their age but who are in the different cabins as well. This help develop the large family feel as the girls get to know everyone.