Juniors & Mids (Grades 2-5)
Our Juniors and Mids are the youngest campers at camp and because of this, most of them are first time campers! With this age group, we have a higher counselor to camper ratio as this age group needs that extra bit of help. They need a little extra bit of care and tenderness as they navigate being away from home and independent; for many, this is their first time experience this!

Our counselors help with the daily needs of the children such as brushing teeth, applying sunscreen and bug spray, and much more. Our counselors are surrogate parents and are there to help with all of the little things that families do at home for our Juniors and Mid.

Every day, the Juniors and Mids have a quiet rest hour after lunch to help them reboot for the rest of their fun filled day. This is a great time for them to read, write letters home, or listen to music. These girls join in on most night activities but do have a two nights a week where they enjoy more cabin time, a quiet night where their counselors can spend more time reading them a book. We find this gives them that little extra so that they can reboot for the following day.

Girls currently in 3rd and 4th grade are also offered a day of white water rafting. They go to the Deerfield River where they paddle through class 2 and 3 rapids with an experienced guide. This is an optional trip that the girls can pick or they can choose to stay at camp and have a special schedule.