Wa-Klo Library
Wa-Klo Dictionary
- Activities – All the fun things that are done during the day at Wa-Klo
- All Inn – Director’s House
- All Out – A cabin in the Area where Supervisors live
- Alumni — All the thousands of people who have worked at or attended Wa-Klo. A girl becomes an alum when she is too old to attend camp as a camper or LTG.
- Area Night – A special evening activity where time is spent with other cabins in individual areas.
- Area Head – Also known as a ‘Camp Mom’ these counselors oversee their particular area, insuring all the campers in their age group are having the best time at camp.
- The Ark – The gym. It also houses the dance, fitness, and the arts n’ crafts room.
- Assistant Area Head – The assistant to the area head.
- Beads – What is earned when a level in an activity is “passed off”. Beads are presented in front of the whole camp at camp fire.
- Bird’s Nest—Supervisor quarters – This building used to be the storage area for food when Cracker Barrel was the dining room.
- The Boathouse—The Fortune’s residence – The Wa-Klo Director Tammy Fortune (Dr Maurer’s daughter) now lives here with her husband Dennis their two children Alliyah and John as well as their much loved dogs, Dublin and Felix. This site was the original boathouse for the large sailboats that Wa-Klo used. The boathouse was converted to a summer cottage for Roy and Kitty Jensen, Marie Jensen’s parents, and was called RoyKit for well over 50 years. Marie Jensen built a state-of-the-art dining hall in 2002 naming it RoyKit. After Roy retired from camp and Kitty passed on, the cottage became the staff lounge.
- Bob-In – A cabin in The Area. Named after Bobbie Schamel & Ina Fletcher who served as associate directors for many years.
- Bummer’s Breakfast – Campers and staff can come to breakfast in their PJ’s for a late buffet breakfast on Friday morning. A favorite for everybody!
- Bunks – The name that is given to all the campers living in the same cabin.
- Buddy Box – The big, green box by every waterfront activity area that holds individual swim numbers. Whenever a camper enters the lake, she turns it over to the “red” side, and when exiting the lake it is flipped back to “green.”
- Buddy Call – When one whistle is blown by the head lifeguard during camp swim, buddies hold hands and call out buddy numbers to make sure everyone is safe.
- Buddy Numbers – The number that is given each individual camper for the summer, this is the number she flips when entering the water and fills back EVERY TIME she leaves the water.
- Bugle – The bugle noise that comes over the speakers in the morning for reveille, to signal start and end times for classes, and to warn for eating times.
- Bunk Mates – The girls in the same bunk.
- Bunk Swim — A quick swim with bunkmates and counselors in the shallow area.
- Camp Swim – The entire camp goes swimming together. It usually happens on a Sunday after a full camp activity.
- Camper – Someone who attends a summer or day camp and gets to try lots of new activities, meet new people, and have loads of fun!
- Camp Fire – Held on the weekend, usually on Saturday nights. A campfire is lit, a traditional ceremony is held, campers are separated into teams (green and white), and relay games are played against the opposing team.
- Celebrations 2.0 – Celebrated during August at camp. All campers have a Secret Snowflake and share gifts for 8 days, celebrate the cultures and communities that have come together at camp in special clinics and events, and end the week with a Christmas party along with the counselor’s interpretation of “The Night Before Christmas.”
- Chez Chenet — Guest quarters. This cabin used to called the Chef’s Cabin when Cracker Barrel was the dining room. It was renovated and Miss Chenet, a previous staff member and Director at Wa-Klo, lived there for many years. The cabin was renamed to Chez Chenet.
- Clean Up/Inspection — After breakfast, all bunks perform chores to ready cabin for the inspection done by the area heads.
- CocoMansion – Named after Miss Cocoman, a previous Assistant Director, who was The Area Head for years. The cabin sits in the middle of The Area, and The Area Head lives there. Cocomansion was the old rifle shed, a wall was added and it became a cabin. In the early 2000’s, it was torn down and rebuilt, but the name remained the same.
- Cracker Barrel – The LTG headquarters for girls completing grades 10, 11, & 12. Used to serve as the dining room for years and years until RoyKit was built.
- Cupid’s Court –A storage shed for all the archery and tennis equipment.
- Dance Inn – A cabin in The Area for girls completing the 7th or 8th grades.
- Directors – Dr. Virginia Maurer and Tammy Fortune
- Down & Out — The Watercraft cabin near the Windsurf Dock.
- Driftwood – A cabin next to the Stanley Brook Dam. This cabin was built with wood that fell during the 1938 Hurricane and was used as the camp craft area until the 90’s. Now the cabin is used for our youngest campers finishing 1s, 2, 3 or 4th grade. This cabin has one of the best views on camp and has a shower inside.
- Dublin —Wa-Klo is located in the towns of Dublin and Jaffrey, NH. Dublin is also Tammy’s dog.
- Duffel – A large bag that will often hold bedding, towels, shoes etc.
- Far-Out 1&2 – Cabins in the Inter Area for 5th or 6th graders.
- Family Weekend —The weekend ending the first session. Families are treated to Camp Fire, fireworks, activities, and a barbecue.
- Field Day – The big finale for team competitions. The afternoon is spent playing relay games on the front field and ends with the game changing tug-of-war.
- Fishbowl – A cabin next to Driftwood. Fishbowl used to be the arts n’ crafts room. Now the cabin is used for our youngest campers finishing 1s, 2, 3 or 4th grade. This cabin has a shower inside.
- Flag – Time to raise and lower the flag each day before breakfast and after dinner.
- Flex Time — Time during 6th period used for team practices during 1st session. During 2nd session this is 45 minutes of open activity where the girls can pick from a range of activities to try out.
- Front Field — An open field right by the main gate. All the team sports are played on the Front Field.
- The Gazebo — This structure was built in 2009 by the Upper Pioneers for their project. The gazebo stands by Turtle Rock.
- Gold bead – A yellow bead presented to a camper after earning 10 activity beads.
- Halloween – A special event at camp organized by the LTG’s which includes all the spooky traditions.
- Hilltop – A cabin in The Area for girls completing grades 8 or 9.
- Hop Away – The building in pet care that houses the animal’s food, leads, and brushes.
- In & Out — The Shower House in The Area. All shower houses contain separate shower stalls.
- Inter Area – The area where 5th & 6th graders live.
- Inters — Girls who have completed grades 5 & 6.
- Jaffrey – The town in which part of Wa-Klo is located.
- Jen-Klo – The building for all theatrical events. The building is named after Miss JENsen and Miss KLOberg, previous owners of Wa-Klo.
- Juniors – Campers who have completed 1st, 2nd, & 3rd grades.
- Land Activities Supervisor – The Land Activities Supervisor makes sure that all the activities held on land, such as lacrosse, tennis, pet care, etc., are running smoothly.
- Laundry – Goes out on Wednesday/ comes back on Thursday.
- Lower Camp — All campers competing grades 1-6.
- Lower Inter – A camper who has just completed 5th grade.
- Lower Pioneer – A camper who has just completed 8th grade.
- LTG’s – Stands for “Leadership Training Group.” These girls are in grades 10th – 12th and help in classes and bunks.
- LTG Supervisor – The supervisor in charge of the LTG program and works with the LTG’s
- Mid – A camper who has just completed 4th grade.
- Mini CAP — A younger camper chosen by the team CAPs to join in the opening ceremony of camp fire.
- Mini-Pop — a room in Pop Out for the Inter Area Head to live.
- Mission Statement — “Camp Wa-Klo develops a girl’s connection with community, the environment, and within herself.”
- Mousetrap – A cabin in the Area for girls completing grades 7 or 8.
- Olympics – A fun but intense competition held for 2 days between 3 teams during the 1st session.
- Out There — The newest cabin at camp sitting between The Area and The Inter Area. The cabin can house either a lower camp or upper camp group.
- Paddock — The jumping field by the horse stables.
- Pass Off – In each activity class there is a novice, intermediate, advanced, and pro level. Passing off means progressing from one level to the next.
- Pet Care — a class that teaches care for goats, cows, horses, bunnies, and sheep.
- Pill Box – The Nurse’s cabin and the infirmary.
- Pine Drive – The main driveway leading into camp.
- Pop Out 1 & 2 – Two cabins contained in one building for girls completing grades 5 or 6.
- Razzle Dazzle – All campers working together to help make Wa-Klo shine. Razzle Dazzle happens on Friday morning.
- Reflections – A traditional ceremony held on Sunday evening. During Reflections one age group chooses a theme and selects songs to sing. The entire camp comes together to sing songs and listen to “reflections” on the chosen theme.
- Rest Hour — The time right after lunch in order to catch a few winks, write letters, talk to bunkmates, write a letter, read a book, or just hang out.
- Reveille — The morning bugle call to wake everyone up.
- Ribbit – A cabin in The Area for campers completing grades 7 or 8.
- Round Off – The green slab where gymnastics is held.
- RoyKit – The dining hall. Meals are served family style with a counselor at the head and foot at each table. Age groups sit at the same table. RoyKit is named after Roy and Kitty Jensen, Marie Jensen’s parents, who worked at camp in many capacities for 40 or more years.
- Side Out – The cabin where the Assistant Director lives. SideOut sits in the heart of the Inter Area.
- Seniors – Campers who have just completed the 7th grade.
- Side Line – The name of the equipment shed by the front field.
- The Slab — Also called Round Off. Gymnastics is held on the slab. Swimming classes also warm up here.
- Sleepy Hollow – The oldest building on camp and now our Wa-Klo rec center, a great place to read a book, play board games and PingPong.
- Smorgasboard — An evening program where lots of activity choices are presented to the campers. The camper can choose where to go.
- Somewhere – A cabin in the Area for campers completing grades 8 or 9.
- Song and Team Formations — A time treasured tradition held by the teams on Family Weekend. The teams compete with original songs and different formations around the fire.
- Spin Shack — The structure that houses all the bicycles and bike equipment.
- Staff Advocate – The staff advocate oversees the counselors throughout the summer.
- Stow Away — A shelter that houses all the swimming and lifeguarding gear.
- Sugar Shack – The camp store with delicious treats and wonderful Wa-Klo items to buy.
- Support staff – The behind the sceens staff that help Wa-Klo run smoothly throughout the summer. They can be found helping in the kitchen, delivery laundry, gassing the boats or doing any other necessary jobs to keep camp running smoothly.
- Swimming Levels — American Red Cross swimming classes:
- Turtle – 1st swimming level
- Minnow – 2nd swimming level
- Fish – 3rd swimming level
- Flying Fish – 4th swimming level
- Dolphin – 5th swimming level
- Shark – 6th swimming level
- Taps — A bugle call to end the day.
- Tasadel – A cabin in the Area. The cabin was named by the first girls who lived in the cabin in the 70’s by using the first letters from their first names.
- The Area — The area where 7th, 8th, and 9th graders live.
- Tip-It – A cabin in the area for girls completing grades 7 or 8.
- Team games – The green and white teams who play games and compete against each other during the summer.
- Team CAPs – Upper Pioneers elected by the camp to lead the two teams. CAP stands for Caring, Accepting Person.
- Trunk – The container that holds all the clothing and stuff brought to camp.
- Turtle Rock — A treasured landmark along the shore line. From a distance, the huge rock looks as if a big turtle is sitting atop it.
- Upper Camp — All campers completing grades 7-11.
- Upper Inter – A camper who has just completed 6th grade
- Upper Pioneer – A camper who has just completed 9th grade. These girls are the oldest campers at camp.
- Wa-Klo – Camp is named after its two founders Miss Olive Wakinson and Miss Ethel Kloberg.
- Water Activities Supervisor – The supervisor overseas all water activties making sure all girls have safe fun!!!
- Way-Out 1&2 – Two Cabins in the Inter Area
- WaySide – The showerhouse in the Inter Area. All showerhouses contain separate shower stalls.
- Woodwind – The horse stables.